domingo, 13 de setembro de 2009

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Every day more and more of us find that computers have become part of our daily background: magazines we read have been typeset by computers, architects have designed our houses with the help of computers, our paylips are printed by computers, we pay bills prepared by computers, using checks marked with computer symbols, and the payments result in bank statements prepared by computers. Even more directly associated with the machines are those who use them in their day-to-day work – scientists and storekeepers, clerks and directors, soldiers and sailors, accountants and engineers – besides the growing numbers of computer personal who are responsible for making the machines do the work. Each of us, whether layman, computer use or computer technician, will have problems with computer terminology.


In the beginning, there was the analog cell phone. And then the cell phone went digital. And that provides a clearer connection and more reability. Now the future of technology appears to be in the hands of the mobile phone industry. Cell phones and handhelds are everywhere. The future is now, and it is wireless. Except the future is still the future. Wireless technology is relatively young. The first generation has been around only since the early 1980s, when analog voice transmission networks were introduced. The second generation took over in the mid-‘90s with the advent of digital wireless voice and data networks, giving us the capabilities that spawned the cell phone revolution we know today. Now comes the so-called third generation – or 3G – which generally refers to networks capable of connecting to the Internet at speeds 40 tines the rate of today’s cell phones, promising Interneting connections will be fast enough to download streaming audio and files, swap digital photos, and hold teleconferences. It will also use the existing spectrum space more efficiently and increase the speeds with which basic data can be transmitted over wireless devices.

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